Motivation behind this blog !

Hola Amigos!

I welcome you all to this happy place which I am creating for all of us to interact and learn from each other!

2020 is going to start in 4 hours here (EST zone) and I finally took my first step to awaken this dormant idea of creating my own blog. The motivation behind this is pretty intrinsic - to share the love which nature has bestowed upon me with all of you ! I recently started living on an Island and it is a totally different experience for me in terms of food, lifestyle, friends, celebrations and what not!

Lot of things have changed for me and I have adopted many new habits - I go crazy collecting variety of shells on the beach with my girlfriends! I never thought I would do this on a beach, but yes, this place has so much to offer and full of pleasant surprises. You never know when you would come across a breathtaking sunset or a healing sunrise!

With this brief and vague introduction, I would rest my fingers now!


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