Indoor Plants For Beginners | Suitable in Caribbean Climate

Hola Amigos!

During the extended lock down period, it crossed my mind to develop a new hobby and have some indoor plants which would add some fun to the quarantine life !

Unfortunately, I couldn't visit a nursery and opted to buy few succulents from Fosters.
I got myself cute plants which I have never had or heard before and spent good amount of time doing some research on their care, water needs and light exposure.

1. Red Moon Cactus ($11)

The pop red color of this plant is quite vibrant and instantly caught my attention in the store.
Fosters had these in multiple colors like Magenta, Yellow , Red etc.

This succulent is a grafted version of two different varieties of cactus. One, which produces chlorophyll, is at the bottom (green color stem) and other on top preferably called the moon, is unable to produce chlorophyll therefore sits on top of the green cactus for its survival. This plant truly denotes interdependence is crucial for life :)

They are low-maintenance plants are suitable for beginners.

Water Requirements:

It needs very little water just enough to moist the soil. Soggy soil is strict NO if you want it to survive.
You can water it when the soil feels dry and dusty.

During Winter, it needs even less water .

Light conditions :

It is typically a desert type plant and would do best in bright indirect sunlight.
Place near window where there is indirect sunlight would be a good idea.
They don't like cool temperature. They are best for Caribbean countries like Cayman Islands where its mostly sunny.

2. Sedum Nussbaumerianum ($11)

Also known as copper sedum, these succulents as name suggests attain beautiful copper tone when kept in bright sunlight. They grow better outdoors and can  grow up to 8" tall.
They can enhance the looks of your balcony on a hanging planter. 

Water requirements :

They really like it natural. Rainfall water is the best for propagation. 
Watering them once a week in hot climate is enough. Succulents need 1" of water every week.

Light Conditions :

They prefer 4-6 hours of sunlight exposure. When bought from store, it is important to keep in mind to gradually increase the exposure to natural light else it might get sun burnt. Best would be to take it out during morning sunlight and bring back by the noon. After a week , you can start letting it out for longer time span.

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