Quarantine Day 11

Hola Amigos!

Only while writing this, I realize that I am actually doing better than I think! H-o-w could I not think of writing a post while ELEVEN days of quarantining! Jokes aside.

Yes, I am pulsating between sanity and insanity, feeling upbeat someday and sadistic the next day. I think I'm able to watch my INSIDE clearly that's why I can observe each feeling with precision. This could be a regular pattern which was existing for months or even years but I was busy at work and having a good time with my friends, so I never got a chance to notice it.

Quarantining is Earth's way of rejuvenating itself and us. Duh! I know I am being philosophical here and I like it this way :) So, why don't we all try to replenish our empty hearts and drained out souls during this time by practicing few simple things.

I have a whole list of things which are quite exciting and can be done indoors or in your balcony.

  • First things first, if you are making money from home (in short working from home), demarcate your workspace. YES! The logic behind this is, it is not 1-2 days of work from home, it could be a month. Therefore, to be productive we need to space & time ourselves. Another benefit of doing this would be, you will have a place to leave after your working hours and a zone to enter for enjoying the rest of your evening within the same house/room. One can also dress up for work and ditch those comfy pajamas for the evening. Do some basic stretches whenever you leave your chair(should be every 30 minutes ideally). I listen to relaxing music while working as it can uplift the mood. Music = Magic. 
  • Have a routine if you want to master Quarantine. Wake up and workout. I don't have to tell you the benefits of workout at this hour! 
  • Meal prep is a recurring activity. Some days it happens 3 times a day for me. Technically, I have become a pro now. I can make smoothies out of anything and add zillions of items available in the refrigerator to the boiled pasta! The beverage is a mood booster anytime. We tend to skip drinking water, it is better to keep a big bottle of water near you always.
  • In the evenings, I prefer walking barefoot on the grass. If this setting is not available, a walk is good enough in itself. 
  • Touching upon the creative side, you can paint, do craftwork, write a journal, practice gardening, try to declutter/unclutter your wardrobe, bathroom, etc (relaxes mind literally), try home decor, read books, record a favorite song in your melodious voice(those who are gifted), take Instagram challenges, be a part of an online community, learn how to write your blog, learn a new language, talk to those who were always at the back of your mind due to busy schedule, make plans for post quarantine and the list goes on.

Let us stay put and have each other's back in this crucial time. Let us not pull anyone down. Let us create something valuable and it could be as simple as our Mindset. Happiness and togetherness are sure to come soon and let us prepare ourselves for the new world, new paradigms and a brand new collective consciousness!

                         Hand Wash Challenge that I and my colleagues took recently!


  1. Hey how are you? I visited the Island last year and I fell in love with the place!! Can you tell me about potential job opportunities or something that I can do there. Ready to move and live my best life.

    1. Hi , I am doing well. Sorry for late response. Island is Covid Free and as per Global Concierge , people are allowed to work from Cayman Islands remotely based on some criteria. You can get the details here

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